Showing feedback is extremely important, and is generally expected by both Listing Agents and their Seller Clients. The purpose of providing showing feedback is so that Sellers have an accurate picture of how their home is being perceived by potential Buyers as well as their Agents. Positive feedback is always great, but of course we […]
Tag Archives | Peeves

Negotiations- Tactic VRS Real Skill
There is a new tactic emerging amid real estate negotiations in Thunder Bay, and I’ll refer to it as the ‘The Ransom Demand’, as that is the most interesting way that I’ve heard my colleagues refer to it. While I can’t speak for the Agents that are utilizing this tactic as a means to an end, what I […]

Thunder Bay Real Estate- A Business of Busyness
Of the many types of Sales careers that I have worked in, I must say that Real Estate is probably one of the busiest, especially during Spring and Fall Market in Thunder Bay. There is simply so much to do. A typical day most often extends far beyond the traditional 9-5. What do we do […]

Exclusive Listings
Have you ever wondered what exactly an exclusive listing is, and why said exclusive listing might be problematic? Well, a Client phoned me the other day after having seen an add in the Thunder Bay Real Estate News. The add was fairly small, with the headline ‘Owner Motivated’. At a price point of $159,900 both […]