When it comes to negotiating real estate contracts, and just about anything for that matter, it is very important to get every point in writing. Being as clear and as concise as possible in the language that we use on real estate contracts is critical. Seasoned Real Estate Professionals know that vague clauses on contracts […]
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Real Estate Contracts: Get it in Writing, Be Specific

How to Price a Home for Sale
Sometimes Realtors run into all kinds of funny notions that prospective Sellers have with regards to the price of a home. Particularly, the price of their home. Common criteria that Sellers want to use to price a home; If I buy ‘X’ Property, it requires $20,000 in renovations. We can’t list my house for less […]

Buying a House in Thunder Bay after an Open House
So, you are considering buying a house in Thunder Bay, and you went through an Open House this weekend, and you loved the house, and now you want to buy it- what do you do next? For many home buyers who have not yet sat down with a Real Estate Agent to discuss the process of […]

Negotiations- Tactic VRS Real Skill
There is a new tactic emerging amid real estate negotiations in Thunder Bay, and I’ll refer to it as the ‘The Ransom Demand’, as that is the most interesting way that I’ve heard my colleagues refer to it. While I can’t speak for the Agents that are utilizing this tactic as a means to an end, what I […]

Being a Realtor in the Winter, in Thunder Bay
I have to admit, there are certain times of the year that being a Realtor in Thunder Bay is a heck of a lot more alluring than other times. For instance, you just can’t beat being a Realtor in the very beginning months of Summer, when it’s not too hot, the snow has melted, the […]