Showing Feedback for Sellers Please - Danielle Wilson
Showing Feedback

Showing Feedback for Sellers Please

Showing feedback is extremely important, and is generally expected by both Listing Agents and their Seller Clients.

The purpose of providing showing feedback is so that Sellers have an accurate picture of how their home is being perceived by potential Buyers as well as their Agents.

Positive feedback is always great, but of course we know that not all viewings are all positive, and as such, realistic and accurate feedback is much more important.

For instance, if potential Buyers are perceiving the price to be too high, that is important information to know, as well as why they feel it might be too high.

If a home smells smokey, or smells of pet odours, that is also important information to know, especially because that type of feedback can help the Seller to be more proactive for future showings.

If Buyers are consistently noting that a home is more noticeably dated than other homes in the same price range, or that the shingles are looking more worn than they would expect, or if the cost of furnace rental is off putting- the Seller need to know.

Equally as critical as it is that the Buyer’s Agent relays feedback to the Seller’s Agent, is that the Seller’s Agent actually relays the information to the Seller.

Sometimes that can be uncomfortable, depending on the feedback, but in my opinion, it is our duty when representing Sellers to keep them up to date on exactly what potential Buyers are saying about their property.  A little tact can go a long way, and generally there is positive feedback in combination with the less positive feedback, and it’s always good to pair the two together.

Sometimes Sellers can become very offended by the feedback that they are receiving.  Sellers, it is not in your best interest to be offended.  We are both working together toward the same outcome.

Making an attempt to evaluate the feedback with an open and objective mind can help you to determine what actions you can take to improve the possible perceptions of buyers for the next viewing, thus allowing you to move closer to the end goal/ sale of your home.

Some types of feedback are best addressed by a bit more elbow grease and investment of funds while unfortunately some types of feedback are best addressed by re evaluating price.

Either way, feedback for Sellers after viewings is extremely critical and needs to be both solicited by the Seller’s agent after viewings if not provided, as well as relayed to the Seller for evaluation and action if a favourable outcome is to be reached.




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