Have you decided you would love to move to the country, BUT, you are also concerned about the extra costs to consider when moving to a rural home? Well, stop stressing! In this blog post, I outline the most common extra expenses that living in the country entails, so that you can get back […]
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My Favourite Rural Areas in Thunder Bay
Have you decided that you would LOVE to move to a rural area in Thunder Bay, BUT… you just aren’t entirely sure which rural community would best suit your needs? In this blog post, I am going to share with you my 5 favourite rural communities and what people love most about them, so that […]

Living in the Country; What I LOVE and HATE
Does the thought of living in the country seem super appealing, BUT… you’re just not entirely sure if you’re ready to step away from the conveniences that City life offers? In this blog post, I am going to share with you some of my absolute favourite things about country life, as well as some of […]

Another Way; Reclaiming an Old Homestead
I recently represented Buyer Clients in their purchase of an old log house homestead. The property was beautiful, and at one time, this farm was bustling with productivity and family. In its current state, the home was labelled a tear down, as often these days homes and buildings in need of refurbishment and modernization often […]

The Tiny House Trend in Thunder Bay?
You’ve probably noticed the new trend that seems to be sweeping across television and social media channels everywhere; it’s called The Tiny House trend, and the focus is on Tiny Living- living in much smaller, more efficient spaces, where it’s all about a simpler more sustainable lifestyle. Tiny Houses are generally between 100- 400ft2 and […]