Good Customer Service - Danielle Wilson

Good Customer Service

Good customer service- it’s something that I think of often as I go about my business on a daily basis.  I’m not talking about just my Real Estate Business, I’m also referring to the daily interactions that I have while picking up pet food, groceries, livestock feed, getting my hair cut, going to the gym etc.

I attended a regional RE/MAX training event the other day, and we all got to talking about what characteristics consumers value most when choosing a Real Estate Agent.

The Trainer had recently been speaking with a friend who had just completed a first time home purchase.  Being involved in the Real Estate Industry, she asked how satisfied they had been with their Realtor, and what their perception was with regards the service they received.

There were problems with the deal, and it didn’t close on time.  Our Trainer asked if they would use that Realtor again.  Their response came as a surprise, as they said that yes, indeed, they would use the same Realtor again.  They absolutely loved working with her.

Why, you might ask?

Well, this Realtor in particular responded right away when they wanted to set up viewings.  She was always readily available to answer any questions that they might have, and if she didn’t have the answers, she followed up promptly.  It sounded like she understood the value of great customer service.

You see, it meant more to them that their Realtor be responsive and available when needed than it did that the deal flowed smoothly.  In fact, they valued her responsiveness over experience.

People do not want to be ignored- they want to be valued, listened to, and provided with the information that they are looking for in a timely fashion.  They want to be able to view that new listing quickly.  They want to feel good when they go home at the end of the day- not troubled that their concerns haven’t been recognized.

Good customer service goes a long long way in the business world, and if you want to be successful, you MUST value your customers.


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